Leading One’s Self
This seminar draws on much of the work that had dramatically impacted on the subject of supervisory leadership in the last decade. This course is specifically designed to assist the supervisor to understand the application of today’s leadership and management literature in the world in which they work. Attendees will be introduced to the elements of leadership, the differences between leadership and management and how to develop them within their own supervisory role.
Additionally, the student will be introduced to "The Leadership Test©", as a teachable tool that will improve the skills and abilities of supervisors and managers to both manage and lead. There will be an in-depth discussion on the "Belief System", and its necessity for leaders to understand the importance of that while leading others.
Leading Others
Finding appropriate, useful supervisory and mid-management training that truly impacts the competency, commitment and attitude and feelings of supervisors in the law enforcement arena is not easily done. This session focuses on the first line supervisor and mid-manager, to do just that. For all the complexity of what we do, two of the most critical leadership skills are those dealing with relationships and productivity of our teams. This seminar will identify how critical these two variables are to good leadership and then will skill build them. Tools are provided that will assist the attendee to work more effectively as a developer with their people, both as individuals and as a team. Case studies and illustrations are included as part of the curriculum.
DISC is a methodology of predicating human behavior based off four characteristics.
Each of us are actually a combination of all four. It's to the degree than anyone of us is wired that helps to determine the predictability, our communication style, what motivates us, our idea work environment, our strengths and much more.
What if you could tap into your greatest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships and accelerate your results?
Your individual personality affects every aspect of your life. That's why one of the best things you can do to grow yourself in others is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you. When you recognize your strengths and weaknesses, you are able to give your best as you work with people around you.
Get along with anyone, even if you are not a "people person."
Everyone you encounter is motivated differently, communicates differently, and views tasks and relationships differently. The DISC profile Workshop will help you achieve greater success when you learn to value your strengths as well as those of others.
Leading the Organization
Certainly liability and the concern for managing liability have changed the complexion of law enforcement. Since the Monell decision in 1978 law enforcement has not been the same. Further, as much as we may discuss and yearn for the way things were, we cannot turn back. However, not all that has changed as a result of Monell has been destructive or detrimental. In fact, much good has come from the many changes that have taken place within law enforcement, government and the insurance industry. While you may presently be searching to find some of that good, part of our role in this seminar is to focus not on our frustrations, (many of which we have little or no control over) but instead on the positive aspects of managing and leading liability reduction over which we do have control. We have far greater control over this system of liability than most of us realize, and better tools to manage and lead than ever before.
Let's have a discussion on how Eric and the Laughton Leadership team can help you surpass your goals.
Don't wait another moment. The time is now. The person is you. Take the leap and start leading.